From a collection of brands to a strong, singular identity

We are proud to have played a significant role in the recent rebranding project for Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS), a Swiss public broadcasting organization known for its French language content. Collaborating closely with the creative team at Hymn, we were commissioned to design a custom variable typeface that would become a cornerstone of RTS’s new brand identity.

RTS’s rebranding was driven by the need to modernize its identity amidst rapidly changing media consumption habits. As digital formats continued to grow and diversify, RTS required a cohesive brand that could seamlessly span its diverse media outlets, including two television stations, four radio stations, a website, numerous apps, and a range of flagship programs. The challenge was to create a typeface that could embody RTS’s heritage while positioning it as a forward-thinking media organization.

We were tasked with designing a unique variable typeface that would not only align with RTS’s new visual identity but also enhance its readability and versatility across multiple platforms. The result of this endeavor was RTS Neue, a typeface that combines the precision of Swiss type design with a bold, modern aesthetic.

Typography plays a crucial role in shaping a brand’s identity. A well-designed typeface can convey a brand’s personality, enhance readability, and create a cohesive visual experience. In the case of RTS, RTS Neue serves as a visual anchor that unifies the brand’s presence across multiple platforms. It not only ensures consistency but also reinforces the brand’s modern and dynamic character.

This successful collaboration with Hymn is a testament to the power of creative partnerships. By combining our expertise in type design with Hymn’s visionary branding strategy, we were able to create a typeface that stands out for its innovation and functionality. We extend our deepest appreciation to Hymn for their trust and collaboration on this project.

The rebranding of RTS through the creation of RTS Neue showcases the transformative impact of thoughtful type design. Newglyph is honored to have contributed to this iconic project, delivering a typeface that meets the evolving needs of RTS while preserving its unique identity. This project exemplifies how strategic design and collaborative efforts can lead to a powerful and enduring brand presence.

“Offer an open, progressive, and variative solution”


Hymn Design (Branding)
RTS Internal Teams
Newglyph (Type Design: Ian Party)
Sandor (Sound Design)